Tag: Pain and Suffering


How To Calculate a Texas Car Accident Settlement

A Guide to Calculating Auto Crash Settlements in Texas No one hopes to suffer because of someone else’s wrongful actions. Sadly, this is the inevitable effect of a typical car crash in Texas. Even when you’re as careful as you can be, you can get hurt just because another motorist wasn’t paying attention to the […]


Types of Negligence in Texas

GET STARTED Accidents are always unfortunate and can offset your life in unexpected ways. If you were in an accident that you believe to be the fault of another person or entity, it’s understandable to want to hold someone accountable. As bills pile up and those lost days at work start to take a toll, […]

What Types of Medical Malpractice Accidents Can Lead to a Lawsuit?

What Types of Medical Malpractice Accidents Can Lead to a Lawsuit?

If a misstep by a doctor, nurse, or health care facility has left you with a worsened illness or injury (or an entirely new condition), you may need to contact a Dallas medical malpractice lawyer to discuss your rights. Doctors and health care professionals generally strive to provide the best possible treatment to their patients. […]

Workplace Accidents and Wrongful Death Claims

Workplace Accidents and Wrongful Death Claims

Dallas workplace accident lawyers encounter heartbreaking situations every day. The sad reality is that many Texans do dangerous work, and serious injuries result from accidents every day. If a member of your family died at work, you may be entitled to compensation. However, in order to pursue it, you’ll likely have to file a wrongful […]

Who Is Liable for My Injury at a Sporting Event?

Who Is Liable for My Injury at a Sporting Event?

If you’ve had an accident while attending a sports event, you might be considering filing a lawsuit – but against whom do you file it? The answer to this question isn’t always straightforward; it depends on the nature of your accident and how it came about. Numerous parties may be named as defendants in some […]

When is a Public Swimming Pool Liable for Accidents in Texas?

When is a Public Swimming Pool Liable for Accidents in Texas?

Swimming pools are expected to be safe for adults and children, but when pool owners fail to maintain and operate their pools properly, you and your loved ones suffer because of this negligence. The negative impact of such injuries on your life cannot be ignored. You deserve justice for damages suffered. Too many accidents happen […]


Do Not Suffer Needlessly.

Choose wisely, speak up and make sure you’re represented by someone who knows what it takes for victory! Riding with a rideshare can seem like the safest way to get around town, but unfortunately sexual assault can happen during these trips. Victims of such crimes must build their cases and prove negligence in order to […]


It’s Important to Act Quickly

If you or a loved one has suffered a traumatic brain injury, it is important to get medical attention as soon as possible. A qualified medical professional can help determine the extent of the injury and work with you to create an effective treatment plan. Getting the right advice from experienced professionals is key to […]


Dangers for Swimmers Due to Lifeguard Shortage

Boating, swimming, and water sports offer a great way to beat the summer heat in Texas, but when there’s a notable lifeguard shortage, you may find yourself dealing with the tragedy of a drowning accident. Whether you’ve been injured during a drowning incident or lost a loved one through the negligence or bad behavior of […]


How to Get an Accident Report in Fort Worth

When you have been seriously injured in an auto wreck and are interested in pursuing legal action against those responsible for your injuries, the accident report can greatly benefit your civil claim, as the information it contains can be used to establish liability of the defendant in your case. Below, we go into greater detail about […]

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      Is Negligence Included In Catastrophic Injury Cases? 

      Catastrophic injuries can encompass a wide range of situations. Instances such as car or motorcycle wrecks can result in serious physi...

      Staying Involved With Our Peers & The Community

      October has been a busy month for our team! We like to use our blog as a way to keep our clients informed on areas of law and our community events. Today, we’d like to take a break from discussing catastrophic injury...