Category: Community

Crain, Brogdon Named Two Of The Best Lawyers In Dallas

Fostering genuine relationships with our fellow lawyers and community members helps us not only show our support of their efforts, but   allows us to connect in a meaningful way with the community around us. On Wednesday the 24th, your Dallas, TX catastrophic injury attorneys attended D Magazine’s Best Lawyers in Dallas reception, where they […]

Giving Back To Our Dallas Community

Being a part of a community is an amazing thing. With a community, we learn about shared values and beliefs, as well as different cultures and ideas. Moreover, a community is what helps us as individuals develop our own sense of identity. Many people can benefit greatly from community involvement, and we would not be […]

Tourist Killed in Zambia Animal Attack

Anyone can become injured at any given time, and it only takes a moment for that injury to change someone’s life forever. When individuals experience injuries at the fault of another person, complex emotions and anger can easily cloud one’s better judgment. But what are your options moving forward when an accident results in a […]

Staying Involved In Our Community

As your personal injury attorneys, we strive to fight for your rights and are dedicated to helping you through your case. When we aren’t in court or negotiating with opposing counsel for nothing short of appropriate compensation for your injuries, we like to be involved in our community. Our community has greatly contributed to what […]

Dallas landmarks watercolor poster

Free Events In Dallas This May

The weather is continuing to get nicer as Spring rolls in full-force. With the beautiful flowers, lovely Spring breezes, and such a rich culture around us, many people will have no issue finding something to do or an event to attend that appeals to them. Every week, your Dallas, TX catastrophic injury attorneys like to […]

Brogdon Speaks At DBA Event

Our community blogs are intended to highlight important news, current events, laws, and the firm’s involvement in the community. On...

Keeping You Covered After Motorcycle Accidents

Many car accidents occur every day in the United States and may range in severity from minor to fatal. Texas, in particular, has a...

A Call For Rideshare Passenger Safety

Rideshare opportunities have taken the world by storm as an alternative to owning an automobile. In fact, as of 2018, 36 percent of U.S. res...