Month: May 2024

Crain, Brogdon Named Two Of The Best Lawyers In Dallas

Fostering genuine relationships with our fellow lawyers and community members helps us not only show our support of their efforts, but   allows us to connect in a meaningful way with the community around us. On Wednesday the 24th, your Dallas, TX catastrophic injury attorneys attended D Magazine’s Best Lawyers in Dallas reception, where they […]

Taking A Look At Consumer Protections

When we are in need of a new tool or product, it goes without saying that safety should be of the utmost concern. In order to avoid injuring or harming consumers, products must meet industry-specific standards set forth by that industry’s appropriate governing body. If an individual becomes harmed as a result of manufacturing errors […]

Giving Back To Our Dallas Community

Being a part of a community is an amazing thing. With a community, we learn about shared values and beliefs, as well as different cultures and ideas. Moreover, a community is what helps us as individuals develop our own sense of identity. Many people can benefit greatly from community involvement, and we would not be […]

Steps To Address A Catastrophic Injury

Becoming injured is a risk that many people knowingly or unknowingly take in a host of environments. Whether you are entering an elevator to attend a doctor’s appointment or are getting behind the wheel of your vehicle to pick your child up from school, there is a percentage of risk involved. If or when a […]

Understanding Your Wrongful Death Claim

Losing a loved one is devastating. Whether their death was the result of natural causes or of an unexpected accident, the permanency and gravity of the situation itself can be difficult to grapple with. What’s more? Learning your loved one’s death could have been caused by another party’s negligence or carelessness and therefore could have […]

Tourist Killed in Zambia Animal Attack

Anyone can become injured at any given time, and it only takes a moment for that injury to change someone’s life forever. When individuals experience injuries at the fault of another person, complex emotions and anger can easily cloud one’s better judgment. But what are your options moving forward when an accident results in a […]

Premises Liability And Incidents That Could Cause Them

As you may know, personal injury law is an umbrella term that covers a wide range of incidents in which a person becomes injured as a result of another person’s or company’s negligence. These injuries can occur in various ways, as well as to varying degrees, and what your legal options look like will depend […]

Life-Altering Effects Of Brain Injuries

The human brain is an incredible and necessary organ that is capable of doing so much. As such, it is important we take steps necessary to care for it and keep it safe, such as wearing a helmet while riding a bike or motorcycle and attending regular primary care doctor visits. In some situations, however, […]

Recognized Experience For Catastrophic Injury Claims

An unexpected accident can have devastating impacts for you and your loved ones, and experiencing a life-threatening injury as a result of that accident can be traumatic, costly, and burdensome. If the incident was the result of another person’s negligence, however, you could obtain compensation for your pain and suffering with the help of a […]

Staying Involved In Our Community

As your personal injury attorneys, we strive to fight for your rights and are dedicated to helping you through your case. When we aren’t in court or negotiating with opposing counsel for nothing short of appropriate compensation for your injuries, we like to be involved in our community. Our community has greatly contributed to what […]

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      Crain Brogdon, LLP Lawyers Chosen As 2024 Texas Super Lawyers 

      In recent news, our team including Rob Crain, Quentin Brogdon, John Spillane, and Javier Perez were chosen as Texas Monthly’s 2024 Su...

      Brogdon Presents On Non-Economic Damages

      As you may know, our firm is dedicated to helping the injured obtain the compensation they are owed should their injury have arisen from an...